The natural rate of extinction for a species. Contrasts sharply with Mass Extinction.
Search the Web for Background Extinction RateThe average amount of a substance present in the environment. Originally referring to naturally occurring phenomena. Used in toxic substance monitoring.
Search the Web for Background LevelA pesticide used to control or destroy bacteria, typically in the home, schools, or hospitals.
Search the Web for BactericideCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
The Barra system is a passive solar building technology developed by Horazio Barra in Italy. It uses a collector wall to capture solar radiation in the form of heat. It also uses the thermosiphon effect to distribute the warmed air through channels incorporated into the reinforced concrete floors, warming the floors and hence the building. Alternatively, in hot weather, cool nighttime air can be drawn through the floors to chill them in a form of air conditioning.
Search the Web for Barra SystemCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is an international agreement governing the handling of hazardous and other wastes.
Signed by 172 nations, the Convention has been in force since 1992 and makes it illegal to ship hazardous or landfill waste from one country for in another. It does not cover waste designated for recycling, which can be exported for processing abroad.
Search the Web for Basel ConventionThe emissions that would occur without policy intervention (in a business-as-usual scenario). Baseline estimates are needed to determine the effectiveness of emissions reduction programs (often called mitigation strategies).
Search the Web for Baseline EmissionsIn agriculture and gardening, a beneficial organism is any organism that benefits the growing process, including insects, arachnids, other animals, plants, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes. Benefits include pest control, pollination, and maintenance of soil health. The opposite of beneficial organisms are pests, which are organisms deemed detrimental to the growing process.
Search the Web for Benefical OrganismA toxic, six-carbon aromatic component of gasoline. A known carcinogen.
Search the Web for BenzeneA metal hazardous to human health when inhaled as an airborne pollutant. It is discharged by machine shops, ceramic and propellant plants, and foundries.
Search the Web for Beryllium59.3 percent - the theoretical maximum efficiency at which a wind generator can operate, by slowing the wind down. If the wind generator slows the wind down too much, air piles up in front of the blades and is not used for extracting energy.
Search the Web for Betz CoefficientSubstances that increase in concentration in living organisms as they take in contaminated air, water, or food because the substances are very slowly metabolized or excreted.
Search the Web for BioaccumulantsA study of a living organism to measure the effect of a substance, factor, or condition.
Search the Web for BioassayCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
The accumulation of a chemical in tissues of an organism to levels greater than in the environment in which the organism lives.
Search the Web for BioconcentrationUsing natural means like predators to control pests, like growing ginger to repel snails and slugs and nasturtiums to ward off aphids, which are also food for ladybugs and lacewing moths. Goldfish placed in water storage containers eat incoming mosquitoes.
Search the Web for BiocontrolParticulate matter, solid or liquid, larger than a molecule but small enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere.
Search the Web for BiodegradablePollutants that are capable of decomposing under natural conditions.
Search the Web for Biodegradable PollutantsBiodiesel is an alternative fuel produced from renewable resources such as plant oils, animal fats, used cooking oil, and new sources such as algae. Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but can be combined in any quantity with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. Biodiesel blends can be used in most "compression-ignition" (diesel) engines with little or no modifications. Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics (the "diesel" odor). (Biodiesel is not raw vegetable oil.)
Search the Web for BiodieselCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
A type of organic farming founded by Rudolf Steiner. It advocates treating a farm or garden as a unified ecological system, the use of mixtures of fermented herbs and minerals as soil additives, and following an astronomical calendar for planting and sowing.
Search the Web for Biodynamic ArgicultureA biofuel produced by the fermentation of plants rich in sugar/starch (e.g. sugar cane, corn).
Search the Web for BioethanolThe biophysical environment is the symbiosis between the physical environment and the biological life forms within the environment, and includes all variables that comprise the Earth's biosphere.
Search the Web for BiofilmCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
A gas fuel sourced from the decomposition of waste, converting what would be waste and potent greenhouse gases into an energy source.
Search the Web for BiogasGlobal warming is the name given to the theory that there is increase in the average temperature of the Earth surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.
The exact mechanism of warming is not precisely understood, although it is strongly suspected that Greenhouse gases are to blame, as increasing concentrations of such gases help trap heat in the atmosphere and so raise mean temperatures.
Search the Web for Biogeochemical CycleAmount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic decomposers to break down the organic materials in a given volume of water at a certain temperature over a specified time period.
Search the Web for Biological Oxygen Demanda method of controlling pests (including insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases) that relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, or other natural mechanisms.
Search the Web for Biological Pest ControlTechnology that uses bacteria to consume waste/ organic materials.
Search the Web for Biological TreatmentThe cumulative increase in the concentrations of a persistent substance in successively higher levels of the food chain.
Search the Web for BiomagnificationTotal dry weight of all living organisms that can be supported at each tropic level in a food chain.
Search the Web for BiomassEnergy produced by combusting biomass materials such as wood. The carbon dioxide emitted from burning biomass will not increase total atmospheric carbon dioxide if this consumption is done on a sustainable basis (i.e., if in a given period of time, regrowth of biomass takes up as much carbon dioxide as is released from biomass combustion). Biomass energy is often suggested as a replacement for fossil fuel combustion.
Search the Web for Biomass EnergyEnergy obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible, unlike, for example, the fossil fuels, of which there is a finite supply. Renewable sources of energy include wood, waste, geothermal, wind, photovoltaic, and solar thermal energy.
Search the Web for BiomeThe action of light on a biological system that results in the dissociation of a substrate, usually water, to produce hydrogen.
Search the Web for BiophotolysisThe living and non-living components and processes of the ecosphere. Biophysical measurements of nature quantify the ecosphere in physical units such as cubic metres, kilograms or joules.
Search the Web for BiophysicalThe business practice of patenting seeds and other indigenously grown agricultural products.
Search the Web for BiopiracyAn area comprising a natural ecological community and bounded by natural borders.
Search the Web for BioregionA process using organisms to remove or neutralise contaminants (e.g. petrol), mostly in soil or water.
Search the Web for BioremediationNutrient-rich organic materials derived from waste water solids (sewage sludge) that have been stabilised through processing.
Search the Web for BiosolidsIn essence the Biosphere is all the ecosystems that exist in a planet. Including how they interact, evolve and change over time.
Search the Web for BiosphereBioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides (less than six percent) and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. The water's flow path, along with the wide and shallow ditch, is designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale,
which aids the trapping of pollutants and silt. Depending upon the
geometry of land available, a bioswale may have a meandering or almost
straight channel alignment. Biological factors also contribute to the
breakdown of certain pollutants.
Full wikipedia entry
The plant and animal life of a region or area.
Search the Web for BiotaTechnology that use living organisms to produce products such as medicines, to improve plants or animals, or to produce microorganisms for bioremediation.
Search the Web for BiotechnologyConversion of a substance into other compounds by organisms; including biodegradation.
Search the Web for BiotransformationBisphenol-a (BPA) is an industrial chemical best known for making polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. Found in hard plastic water bottles and baby bottles, in coatings inside metal food and drink cans, and in paints, adhesives, dental sealants, computers, and other products. BPA is an estrogen-mimicking chemical that, in tests on animals, has been shown to interfere with the reproductive system.
Search the Web for Bisphenol-aThe horizontal movement of heat energy. A warm breeze through a relatively cool orchard, for instance.
Search the Web for Black BodyWastewater generated by toilets.
Search the Web for BlackwaterA bladder tank is basically a 'bag' made from reinforced PVC tarpaulin to hold water. These are often used under houses or buildings in the sub floor space to store rain water for use with irrigation or general water supply (such as for flushing toilets or washing clothes). Sizes vary from as little as 2000 litres up to 5000 litres
Search the Web for Bladder TankA wood product used for printed and graphically enhanced card stock, books, and packaging such as food cartons, microwave trays, beverages, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and consumer electronic items. Pollutants, such as dioxins and furans, can result from processes that use chlorine in the manufacture of bleached board.
Search the Web for Bleached BoardIn the formulation of food products, the bliss point is the amount of an ingredient such as salt, sugar, or fat which optimizes palatability.
There are numerous ways to add a layer of insulation between your interior living spaces and the outside world. Blown-in insulation (also called blown-in batt) is composed of loose insulating fibers such as fiberglass, foam, or cellulose. While rolled or batt insulation might leave voids through which air can pass, blown-in types tend to fill all crevices, making it a more energy-efficient choice.
Blown-in insulation is generally installed by a professional.
The amount of a chemical stored in the body at a given time, especially a potential toxin in the body as the result of exposure.
Search the Web for Body BurdenNorthern; cold temperate Northern Hemisphere forests that grow where there is a mean annual temperature < 0°C.
Search the Web for BorealCap and Trade is a market-based policy tool for protecting human health
and the environment.
A cap and trade program first sets an aggressive
cap, or maximum limit, on emissions. Sources covered by the program then
receive authorizations to emit in the form of emissions allowances,
with the total amount of allowances limited by the cap. Each source can
design its own compliance strategy to meet the overall reduction
requirement, including sale or purchase of allowances, installation of
pollution controls, implementation of efficiency measures, among other
options. Individual control requirements are not specified under a cap
and trade program, but each emissions source must surrender allowances
equal to its actual emissions in order to comply. Sources must also
completely and accurately measure and report all emissions in a timely
manner to guarantee that the overall cap is achieved.
The chemical element commonly used as the dopant in a solar photovoltaic device or cell material.
Search the Web for BoronContainers meant to receive beverage bottles which people drop off to be recycled.
Search the Web for Bottle BankBoxes of locally grown or organic food and produce, delivered to people's houses.
Search the Web for Box SchemesMixed fresh and salt water.
Search the Web for Brackish WaterA home-built wind generator design by Hugh Piggott of Scotland.
Search the Web for Brakedrum WindmillAddition of chlorine to water until there is enough chlorine present for disinfection of water.
Search the Web for Breakpoint ChlorinationTerm coined by World-changing writer Alex Steffen to refer to those who believe the way to achieve sustainability is through technological innovation. As opposed to dark greens and light greens.
Search the Web for Bright GreenChemicals added to plastics, textiles, furniture foam and padding, and other products to prevent them from catching fire. BFRs, as they are known, are long-lived poisons that build up in fat. In animal studies, they have been linked to hormonal and neurological disorders.
Search the Web for Brominated Flame RetardantsObsolete electronic products, such as radios and televisions.
Search the Web for Brown GoodsA brown search refers to the act of looking for information on recycling and sustainability on the internet. Most 'green' search engines are also able to perform this function as they will index such sites (as the EcoWho search engine does).
Search the Web for Brown SearchA plant cultivated for its triangular grains, which are protected by a hull. This crop is generally grown without herbicides and pesticides.
Search the Web for BuckwheatCarbon Footprint refers to the the total greenhouse gas emissions that result from a person, organization, product or service over a given time.
It tends to act as an umbrella term for any attempt to measure greenhouse gas emissions and as a result can refer to simply the emissions that result from a single activity, such as flying; the emissions that result from an organization or building over the course of a year; or the full lifetime emissions of a product or organization, including emissions from the supply chain or disposal of resources.
While carbon footprints colloquially refer to the amount of CO2 emitted, the UK Carbon Trust endorses a wider definition and considers all six of the Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases - Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Hydro fluorocarbons, Perfluorocarbons, and Sulfur hexafluoride - when measuring a carbon footprint.
Search the Web for Building EnvelopeBuilding Orientation refers to positioning of a property or building with respect to the Sun, usually done to maximize solar gain at the appropriate time of year when required. This is to reduce heating costs and improve quality of living in the property concerned.
Search the Web for Building OrientationAlso called building felt or housewrap; used in the construction of frame houses to block drafts and moisture. Building paper is applied in layers over a house’s walls and sheathing, with the top courses overlapping the bottom courses so that water drains off the wall.
Search the Web for Building PaperSerious and diagnosable health conditions, usually of the respiratory system, that can be attributed to specific air quality problems within a building.
Search the Web for Building-Related IllnessThe accidental harvest of one organism instead of another, such as crustaceans caught in shrimp trawls and dolphins trapped instead of tuna.
Search the Web for Bycatch