The current slowing of the AMOC is simply part of a natural oscillating dynamic. Its current slowdown will soon increase Arctic sea-ice and lower temperatures naturally without crazy Net Zero mandates or Gate’s sun blocking....
In a recent open letter, researchers warned that a warmer Arctic could lead to cold waves across Northern Europe – due to “complex feedback mechanisms”.
So we only have data since 2004, and the year to year variations are large. To pretend that such a short series is in any way significant is not only unscientific but fraudulent.
the perceived weakening of the AMOC may be nothing more than an artifact of data misinterpretation.
A “collapse” of the AMOC (Atlantic overturning circulation) cannot be “calculated” at all.
This is good climate news that will hopefully dissuade people from climate doomism.”
...the supposed AMOC tipping point will not occur until 1758 years from now, in the year 3782 AD
All these changes were the result of natural processes. There is no evidence that these will change in future.
“[I]f these models cannot reproduce past variations, why should we be so confident about their ability to predict the future?”
ANY estimate of the timing of a “tipping point” must take the uncertainties into account, which are so substantial that they are all unsound when made.
Data collected directly in the Atlantic Ocean thus do not provide any support for the IPCC's forecasts of an ongoing collapse of the AMOC.
Sorry Buddy. She's out of your league.
“Nonetheless, we should be aware of the risk of intense cold surges in Eurasia, which could also produce more cold extremes either in eastern or northeastern China,” Fang warns.
By contrast, recent empirical studies have challenged the “weakening” hypothesis.
“There are real red flags — warning signs — right now for these puffins. They’re the proverbial canary in the coal mines for our oceans.”
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