Therefore, curbing the emissions of HFCs from inhalers is unnecessary and would have minimal effect on the climate. Given this conclusion, the selection of inhalers to prescribe to patients with asthma or COPD should be based...
DOJ will probably recommend SuperMax for life.
You need to prove that you are a big shot. You need to do something big. Maybe you could impose a lockdown. Failing that, banning some appliances that are cheap and work great would be one hell of a day’s work.
Every sector must play its part in reducing both emission of harmful gases and overall energy use.
According to a new study, the Montreal protocol is protecting the ability of plants to absorb CO2, preventing an 0.8C surge in global warming.
Guest essay by Eric Worrall A novel excuse for why RCP 8.5 is running way too hot, yet is still essentially correct, from the “ship of fools” home base, the University of New South Wales. How saving the ozone...
Finally, some good news about the environment. Earlier this week, the United Nations announced in a report that the ozone layer is on the mend. If the current recovery rate continues, parts of the ozone could be fully repaired...
The world recently learned that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), an ozone-damaging industrial gas banned under the 1997 Montreal Protocol, have made an unexpected comeback, with significant emissions detected in the atmosphere...
Globally banned by the Montreal protocol in 1987 for their ozone-destroying properties, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) chemicals are experiencing a comeback...
NOAA finds rising emissions of ozone-destroying chemical banned by Montreal Protocol Emissions of one of the chemicals most responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole are on the rise, despite an international treaty that required...
From NASA Goddard: Warm Air Helped Make 2017 Ozone Hole Smallest Since 1988 Measurements from satellites this year showed the hole in Earth’s ozone layer that forms over Antarctica each September was the smallest observed...
Dozens of nations signed an agreement nearly 30 years ago to stop the expansion of a massive hole in Earth's ozone layer. Today, thanks to the Montreal Protocol, the hole in the ozone layer has shrunk as countries reduced,...
Nearly 30 years ago, almost every country in the world signed the Montreal Protocol to ban chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in refrigerators, aerosols, and dry cleaning...
Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball My grandmother told me “Your sins will find you out.” I don’t know if it’s original, but it certainly seems true when you look at the sins of those who created the ozone hole and global...
From the “possible measurement error” department. Larry O’Hanlon (via AGU blogs) writes: Something strange has happened to the atmospheric concentration of a newly discovered, human-made, ozone-destroying gas:...
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