As an amateur psychologist, I know that humans are susceptible to manias. I also know that humans tend to focus on tiny slivers of time and on tiny slivers of geographical place when forming ideas and opinions. We are also...
NOAA’s September 2023 contiguous U.S. temperature anomaly USCRN data result does not support alarmist propaganda claims of a “climate emergency”.
As long as we’re making China rich, don’t tell me me we are fighting climate change.
Dumpster Diving NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admits he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels
To show how adolescent this has become, last year Swiss Environmental Minister Simonetta Sommaruga suggested that residents “shower together” to save energy...
There is no scientific basis that supports the L A Times purely politically contrived and preposterous propaganda demand for a “climate emergency” to be declared in the U.S.
Guest “You can’t fix stupid” by David Middleton CNN’s Matt Egan must be a very special kind of stupid… Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records…
Biden says he has ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency
What new paper, claim, film release, loss in court, UN Conference of the Parties/political need will necessitate the discovery of a “climate emergency” for which, fear not, we just happened to have an Initiative prepared…
Fantasies of heat stroke victims rotting in the streets, and military and security leaders stepping in to protect the world from the weakness of civilian leaders.
We, the people, want all this climate crap stopped. Now. And we want our money back!
It is a grand intellectual ruse. Part of it is magical thinking: that wind, solar, and batteries can substitute for mineral energies and thus “save the planet.”
Guest “Just when you thought he couldn’t get any dumber” by David Middleton Note: I wrote most of this post this morning before Biden delivered his climate emergency remarks in…
"I actually don't believe that climate change is as big as an issue as people think it is really."
Rev. Dr Peter Walker, Principal of United Theological College, thinks emitting industrial CO2 is sinful. But Jesus told us we must take care of the poor - and there is no greater tool for alleviating poverty than industrialisation...
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