Faced with the election of Donald Trump to a second term, soaring inequality, and a decline in support from the state’s non-white majority, California’s Democratic leaders have begun asking hard questions about the state's...
A new study that is hilarious in it's lameness. It's like these people have never heard of weather before, and they only exist in climate headspace.
...when it comes to high-stakes events like the Olympics, realism and practicality prevail over performative environmentalism.
Who could have predicted acres of fragile floating structures would be vulnerable to bad weather?
It is feared that will lead to emissions far in excess of savings generated by the supposedly environmentally friendly engines.
Ford CEO Jim Farley still plans to push forward with his loss making electric vehicle strategy.
One for the failed predictions pile!
The post Five Years Ago Today: California Governor: “In Less than Five Years, Even the Worst Skeptics Will Be Believers” first appeared on Watts Up With That?.
The failure of climate alarmists to use NOAA summer maximum temperature measurements and instead rely on temperature anomaly related analysis using summer average temperatures in making flawed “hottest summer ever” claims...
A just published Australian Energy Market Operator report highlights the urgent "opportunity" for the provision of reliable electricity to Australia's East Coast grid.
Can we all just relax on the basis we are all going to hell in a handcart and you lot can stop nagging us to stop turning our heating off?
The greatest energy folly of all time… Germany restricts electricity supply while ramping up demand!
Now he’s King, it’s maybe time to remind ourselves of some of Charlie’s climate predictions!
All western US states have seen above-average snowfall; in fact, all have set records:
“Given the European declaration of climate emergency, along with the establishment of a ministry of climate crisis in Greece, this dataset was also investigated from a climatic perspective using the longest of the data...
Join us for episode 60 of Climate Change Roundtable, titled "Fake and Bake – Earth Day Edition.”
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