So much for the big secret big oil conspiracy. Marathon Oil published an article in 1977 in a company periodical suggesting CO2 might cause mass starvation.
The only thing they’ve accomplished here is reinforce how – among any given prominent accusations about ‘Big Oil’ disinformation campaigns – the common thread is worthless ‘industry documents’ promulgated by...
Who needs Gasoline?
Strangely the lawsuit does not include a demand oil giants immediately cease supplying their "catastrophic" product to the State of California.
Some scientists were saying ‘yes,’ but others no.
This essay is the nuclear fallout emergent from that small spark.
This ruling is being touted by the Climatariat as a "blow to oil companies"... In fact, it is nothing more than a "narrow, procedural decision".
When it comes to unsupportable political assertions and accusations, the above problems and what I covered in Part 1 are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
it’s guys like AG Platkin who are either oblivious to the fatal faults within both angles of that side of the issue, or who simply don’t do their job to see if there are crippling faults within compelling ‘shiny object...
Trying to appease the enemy is futile. Employees, investors, board members who view oil and gas as destructive should not be part of the company.
Frontline apparently accepts, without any question whatsoever, every bit of Al Gore et al.’s guilt-by-association accusation from the core people who promulgate it. They inadvertently reinforce how global warming is not actually...
As Baltimore's misleading marketing case against big oil moves forward, Big Oil may be about to pay a heavy price for their inconsistent positioning on climate narratives.
While the legal onslaught has no prospect at all of making the oil business go away, or even really of diminishing it much, it could have major implication for Americans...
A major bombshell dropped today about the nationally coordinated climate litigation campaign after it was revealed that Naomi Oreskes – the Harvard researcher and well-known “Exxon Knew” activist – is on retainer...
Where's your smoking gun Naomi? Geoffrey Supran and Naomi Oreskes have accused Exxon of not revealing internal CO2 projections based on Exxon's public plans to grow their business...
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