gergis, Tag

  • Remember when scientists were dispassionate, cautious people? Well, forget that. h/t ClimateDepot, Travis T, Jones @joellegergis Joelle Gergis unleashes a message of full gut-wrenching, stomach sinking, terrible truth and...
  • Joelle Gergis, Data Torturer Fri, 22 Jul 16, 8:05am
    In 2012, the then much ballyhoo-ed Australian temperature reconstruction of Gergis et al 2012 mysteriously disappeared from Journal of Climate after being criticized at Climate Audit...
  • Gergis and Law Dome Thu, 4 Aug 16, 12:52am
    In today’s post, I’m going to examine Gergis’ dubious screening out of the Law Dome d18O series, a series that has been of long-standing interest at Climate Audit (tag)...
  • Jan Esper, prominent in early Climate Audit posts as an adamant serial non-archiver, has joined with 17 other tree ring specialists, to publish “Ranking of tree-ring based temperature reconstructions of the past millennium”...
  • In today’s post, I’m going to re-examine (or more accurately, examine de novo) Ed Cook’s Mt Read (Tasmania) chronology, a chronology recently used in Gergis et al 2016, Esper et al 2016, as well as numerous...
  • The Gergis hockeystick was heralded in the media for a week in 2012 before it was cut apart online and months later, quietly withdrawn.  Headlines raved that Australia was having the “hottest years in the millennium”....
  • Data Torture in Gergis2K Sun, 23 Nov 14, 4:14am
    Reflecting on then current scandals in psychology arising from non-replicable research,  E. Wagenmakers, a prominent social psychologist,  blamed many of the problems on “data torture”.  Wagenmakers attributed...
  • Nature’s policies on plagiarism state: Duplicate publication, sometimes called self-plagiarism, occurs when an author reuses substantial parts of his or her own published work without providing the appropriate references...
  • Only two Gergis proxies (both tree ring) go back to the medieval period: Oroko Swamp, New Zealand and Mt Read, Tasmania, both from Ed Cook.  Although claims of novelty have been made for the Gergis reconstruction, neither...
  • The calculation of the PAGES2K regional average contains a very odd procedure that thus far has escaped commentary. The centerpiece of the PAGES2K program was the calculation of regional reconstructions in deg C anomalies....
  • Neukom, Gergis and Karoly, accompanied by a phalanx of protective specialists, have served up a plate of cold screened spaghetti in today’s Nature (announced by Gergis here)...
  • March 15, 2013 was the IPCC deadline for use in AR5 and predictably a wave of articles have been accepted. The IPCC Paleo chapter wanted a graphic on regional reconstructions and the PAGES2K group has obligingly provided...
  • IPCC Check Kites Gergis Tue, 23 Oct 12, 6:20am
    A few days ago, WUWT pointed out that the American Meteorological Society webpage showed that the Gergis et al paper had been officially “withdrawn”...
  • Gergis et al Correspondence Mon, 29 Oct 12, 1:54am
    Michael Kottek writes in the comment section: The results of my FOI request to the University of Melbourne can be seen here: I requested all correspondence between the authors and the journal regarding...
  • On June 10, a few days after the Gergis-Karoly-Neukom error had been identified, I speculated that they would try to re-submit the same results, glossing over the fact that they had changed the methodology from that described...
  • Popular Related Tags: gergis, uncategorized, karoly, neukom, global warming, paleoclimatology, oroko, tasmania, law dome, screening
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