President Trump was asked a question about climate change on Fox News. His answer has driven liberals nuts.
From The Daily Caller Chris White Tech Reporter November 18, 2019 9:11 PM ET More than 200 media outlets and journalists partnered together with activists to coordinate and hype climate change news before the 2019 U.N. climate...
Josh writes: Breibart reports on an extraordinary Huffington Post article arguing that the response to the terrorism in Paris should be “a successful Climate Change Conference”...
In an ironic turn of events, the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum received a "Climate Hero Award" from California Senator Barbara Boxer on Monday. While the architects who designed facility certainly worked...
In March, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that Shell will not be allowed to return to the Arctic to explore for oil until they improve their equipment...
Jim Lakely, Heartland’s communications director, takes Daniel Souweine of the TV meteorologist hassling group Fabricate Forecast the Facts to task in this piece on the Heartland blog: Reports of Heartland’s Demise...
Readers may recall that on February 22nd, I offered up some open source stylometry/textometry software called JGAAP (Java Graphical Authorship Attribution Program), with a suggestion that readers make use of it to determine...
“Copner” alerts us in comments to this public document: Testimony of Dr. Peter Gleick, February 7, 2007 Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Table 1 Categories of Deceitful Tactics and Abuse of the Scientific...
Correspondence Began Same Day He Rejected Invitation to Debate FEBRUARY 24, 2012 – The Heartland Institute today released all the emails Pacific Institute President Peter Gleick sent to The Heartland Institute for the...
WUWT commenter “The Duke” writes: I just sent the following letter to Senator Joe Simitian (D- Palo Alto) regarding Dr. Gleick’s apparent violation of SB 1411 which went into effect January 1st, 2011. Dear Senator Simitian:...
This essay is from the National Center for Science Education at: ========================================================== Source of Heartland leak...
During this week’s GOP presidential candidates debate in California, Texas Gov. Rick Perry made a statement about global warming that Mother Jones, the Huffington Post, the UK Guardian, and others condemn as “anti-science.”...
During this week’s GOP presidential candidates debate in California, Texas Gov. Rick Perry made a statement about global warming that Mother Jones, the Huffington Post, the UK Guardian, and others condemn as “anti-science.”...
London Independent columnist Johann Hari feels betrayed by British Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to embrace the American-made revolution in natural gas production, known as hydraulic fracturing (a.k.a., ‘fracking’)....
At The Huffington Post, Jeffrey Rubin writes: “Only a Recession Can Deliver Obama’s Energy Targets.” Unfortunately, we have heard this song many times before. In 1973, President Richard Nixon unveiled “Project...
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