The punchline here is obvious: everything about the “green” hydrogen push is ridiculous. But billions in federal tax dollars are at stake. That much cash can purchase a heap of ridiculousness.
Existing fossil gas infrastructure such as pipelines and appliances are “mostly unusable” with hydrogen, without either major investment, or changes in operation that would significantly reduce the amount of energy delivered...
But has anybody crunched the numbers to see if this can be done economically?
By Jo Nova The irony! The only generator that can make affordable hydrogen is brown coal The Great Green Hydrogen dream was killed by the dual impossibility paradox, it has no customers prepared to pay the Gucci level rates,...
This new analysis drives a coach and horses through the demented Miliband’s plan to fully decarbonise the grid completely by 2030.
So the road is not only long, but also expensive.
Without massive subsidies, hydrogen is a non-starter in Germany.
Such a lousy EROEI (energy return on energy invested) should immediately disqualify hydrogen from serious energy policy discussions.
Image by Manuel Angel Egea
As we know, solar produces virtually nothing in winter, and if wind power is down to 10% of capacity, that would provide only 16 GW.
But it’s our money they are spending, not their own, so why worry?
The truth is that the march to the Great Green Energy Future is over, but no one is yet willing to admit that.
Decarbonising heating has become a bit of a Pushmi-Pullyu!
It’s clear that world leaders are ignoring the growing safety problems of green energy. But these fears must be pushed aside in favor of Climatism, the fear of human-caused global warming.
But these overbuilt grids do not exist and will not exist in a time frame to satisfy the need of this insane command and control pronouncement, so strain on weakening grids will increase.
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