Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Dr. Kevin Trenberth is a mainstream climate scientist, best known for inadvertently telling the world the truth about the parlous state of climate science itself. In the Climategate emails...
An interesting new word came up this week on Twitter thanks to Hillary Rosner. It would seem to be a derivative of the word pecadillo: I think this is the perfect word to describe many of the disingenuous activists like …...
We don’t need either side of the climate debate invoking Godwin’s Law on any level, as it is ugly and pointless, yet here we are again. I’m growing weary of this. OK here’s the story, James Delingpole...
Over at Climate Progress, the alarmist organ of the Center for American Progress, Joe Romm is fond of citing an offhand remark from this WUWT story as “proof” of my alleged evilness...
“Connect the Dots” for this one. Mother Nature has just proven how idiotic some one the arguments trying to link global warming and severe weather are: in this case, the “global warming makes more tornadoes”...
The WUWT ENSO meter – at zero, or neutral at the moment: Guest post by Bob Tisdale NOAA issued an El Niño watch yesterday morning. The watch seems a bit premature. A “watch” in NOAA parlance means “conditions...
Al Gore, is his usual incompetent persona, is bloviating weapons grade nonsense again. A few prior examples: On TV, Earth’s core is millions of degrees, in AIT, snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro will gone due to global warming,...
Pants on fire and all that – but well deserved. Kudos to Pielke Jr, for speaking out. He says it isn’t the first time. It will be interesting to...
I have to laugh at the juxtaposition of rhetoric today. It’s like a gift from the universe. While Joe Romm launches yet another angry and hateful rant over at Climate Progress because of a poor editorial choice I made...
UPDATE: I’ve added a simple poll at the bottom to gauge opinion on this issue. – Anthony There’s a disturbance in the farce. Tom Nelson captures these: Heartland Institute launches campaign linking terrorism,...
Guest post by Robert Bradley Jr. of Master Resource “This notion that the environmental movement — or any other major play in the media landscape — is pushing non-stop apocalyptic messages like a broken record is...
I’ve talked about the slimy “Forecast the Facts” campaign before, where they are attempting to label your local TV weatherperson/meteorologist as a “denier” and pressure TV station management...
I had planned to write about this, and specifically that Joe Romm’s blog “Climate Progress” appears to have died a quiet death of assimilation by the borg greens, saying: We are now merging with ThinkProgress...
Almost every day, the ridiculo-meter pegs over at Joe Romm’s place. But today is special. He neuters his own headline in the very first paragraph. I just had to share the laughs. Yes, the vampire bats are coming to...
From the “weather is not climate unless we say it is” department. While weepy Bill McKibben… Twitter / @350: This was a tragic weekend … This was a tragic weekend in the midwest of the USA. It’s...
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