original, Tag

  • Update on coal Thu, 8 Nov 12, 8:39pm
    This a guest post by Jean Laherrère, retired geologist from TOTAL and key founding member of ASPO; in recent years he has been a prolific contributor to this website...
  • This is a guest post by Jean Laherrère a long time contributor to TheOilDrum.
  • Afonso de Albuquerque arrived at the Indian Ocean in 1506 commanding a squadron of five war vessels integrated in Tristão da Cunha's Armada. In the summer of 1507, after the conquest of Socotra, the Armada's main objective,...
  • The Hydrogen dream Mon, 30 Jan 12, 9:38pm
    Last week I went to Longwy's university campus, the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (part of the University of Lorraine), for a conference on renewable energies and energy efficiency...
  • Energy Storage - Flywheel Wed, 5 Oct 11, 7:17pm
    This piece resulted from a challenge within the staff to write a collaborative post on emerging energy storage technologies. I left Chemistry back in high-school but one technology that for long has fascinated me lead me...
  • One year of Solar Power Fri, 12 Aug 11, 6:57pm
    Mid 2009. Depression. Ground flat interest rates. Oppressing unemployment. What better time than now to invest on tangible assets? That was the mindset that lead me to consider investing in Solar Photo-Voltaics (PV). I started...
  • Libya and World Oil Exports Tue, 22 Feb 11, 4:47am
    This is a repost of an article that ran on The Oil Drum: Europe about two years ago. Today's events warrant another look at Libya's role in world oil production, past and future.
  • This is a guest post by Jean Laherrère, a long-time friend of and contributor to TheOilDrum.
  • For decades, economists (Cornucopians or optimists) have been at odds with natural scientists (Malthusians or pessimists) when it comes to the scarcity of natural resources...
  • Peak Coal: the Olduvai perspective Tue, 11 Jan 11, 2:49am
    Peak Coal. Some folks have begun eagerly researching this topic and writing about its timing, now that talk of Peak Oil is all around. The different outlooks on how and when the peak will occur are disparate, ranging from...
  • Does Peak Oil Even Matter? Fri, 17 Dec 10, 11:36pm
    It is easy to become befuddled by the current discourse on peak oil. Peak oil is defined generally as the point at which the flow rate of oil to society has reached a maximum. But this simple definition has issues too, such...
  • Anyone who has spent much time discussing peak oil, the collapse of civilizations, climate change or modern security issues eventually confronts the issue of historical antecedents...
  • Rescuing Suburbia Sun, 31 Oct 10, 8:52am
    Analysis from The Oil Drum : Mr. Jeff Vail from ASPO-USA 2010 Peak Oil Conference. More: http://www.aspousa.org/ Below the fold are the slides, and a rough approximation of my presentation entitled "Rescuing Suburbia"...
  • The rate of progress in rescuing the miners from the copper mine in Chile continues to be better than expected. After the completion of the rescue shaft on Saturday, it was inspected, and the top 300 ft was considered to...
  • This is a guest post by Jean-Luc Wingert from ASPO-France. Jean-Luc is a sustainability consultant and author of the book "La vie après le pétrole". He is presently the president of the Association Challenge 1 litre 100km.
  • Popular Related Tags: original, main, europe, supply/production, campfire, iea, peak oil, miscellaneous, non-opec, opec
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