tea party, Tag

  • 1. World's 14th Worst Air Polluter In their report Toxic Release Inventory, the Political Economy Research Institute finds that Koch Industries, which is 84 percent owned by Charles G. and David H. Koch - two of four Koch...
  • Why We Fight II Wed, 20 Feb 13, 2:57am
    Some of you may have caught an impassioned, frustrating and despairing piece I wrote the other day wondering why I bother. It was a variation on the point I made in this blogpost on Obama's mendacity, which I'll repeat because...
  • Mann, Gore, Smog, and the big lie Tue, 12 Feb 13, 5:52am
    No, not that one, this one: Full disclosure: I’m not a member of the Tea Party, and both of my parents died of tobacco related illnesses. I’ve got no use for it or the people that make money from growing …...
  • The other day I had a dig at Occupy St Pauls. It didn't make me popular with our menagerie of house trolls, most of whom felt I wasn't entitled to an opinion because I had been privately educated or because I don't transcribe...
  • Sarah Palin totally gets it Tue, 13 Sep 11, 5:30pm
    Yes I too am excited about Rick Perry's "welfare is a Ponzi scheme" speech. Even more so over the fact that, far from frightening off the voters, his honesty appears to be making them more enthusiastic. The problem for Rick...
  • Well you could argue, I suppose, that it’s payback for the nauseating apologia for terrorism written by the Guardian’s resident Wykhamist Trot Seumas Milne the day after 9/11 (“They can’t see why they...
  • The T. Boone Pickens Earmark Bill Fri, 6 May 11, 6:47am
    Republicans in the House of Representatives are flocking to support a bill to extend and create a number of taxpayer-funded subsidies for manufacturers and buyers of vehicles powered by natural gas.   Nearly eighty House...
  • Give your next afternoon tea party or picnic at the park an elegant Japanese twist with Wasara‘s biodegradable tableware. Designed to be fully compostable, the line eliminates the need to wash up after the party, throw...
  • I heart Glenn Beck Thu, 7 Apr 11, 8:08pm
    So Glenn Beck is to lose his show at Fox. If you want to know why this is a bad thing for the world, forget what you may think of his sometimes over-the-top, lachrymose schtick and his tendency towards overstating the case....
  • Why we still heart Sarah Palin Wed, 19 Jan 11, 1:45am
    There’s a narrative about Sarah Palin that goes something like this: until the Arizona shootings she coulda been a contender. But then with her ill-judged reference to a “blood libel” she lost it, whereas...
  • His name was Thomas Jefferson, third US president and the principal author of the US Declaration of Independence. The full quote goes like this: “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear...
  • Tea Party: now for the Presidency Thu, 4 Nov 10, 12:36am
    Before we get too jubilant about the humiliating, crushing, thousands-of-floating-dead-Persians-at-Salamis-style defeat inflicted by the Tea Party movement on Democrats and RINO Republicans alike yesterday, let’s just...
  • Only the Tea Party can save us now Wed, 3 Nov 10, 12:09am
    Arriving back at Heathrow late on Sunday night I felt -  as you do on returning to Britain these days – as if I were entering a failed state. It’s not just the Third World shabbiness which is so dispiriting....
  • So, the battle lines are drawn. On the one side, the US Republican party which – after years of despicable RINO-ism – appears finally to have understood that the only proper conservative position on “Man-Made...
  • Popular Related Tags: tea party, politics, al gore, features, world, glenn beck, obama, environment, thomas jefferson, sarah palin
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