For those who value reliable energy, affordable living, and economic opportunity, California’s trajectory under Governor Newsom is a sobering reminder of what happens when politics takes precedence over pragmatism...
“Offer low-emission menu choices, including plant-based and locally sourced options. If meat is offered, prioritize lower-emission meats such as chicken,” the guidance states.
Perhaps all this climate complaining is simply virtue signaling, in a world where feelings matter more than facts.
Almost everything that is being forced through, whether it be demonising plastic to blanketing the land and seas with giant wind turbines, makes little sense...
From the Risk Monger David Zaruk Just imagine if, in the coming months, the following studies would be published in peer-reviewed journals: Would regulators in developed countries, in reading these…
Oh, yeah, cause that’s what I’m most concerned about when my house is on fire – that the pumper might be a little too loud and stinky for the neighbours.
One of the reasons why rabbis and priests have generally, and creditably, stood firm against totalitarianism – often at the cost of their lives – is that those who would direct and compel their fellow-citizens by fear...
In the high road of the climate crusade, marked by corporate brochures extolling social responsibility and environmental sustainability, BP was first past the post among the big oil majors.
Much is made of the fact that former "climate change" advocates have now defected to the side of reason. But much more needs to be done to defeat climate change propaganda. The latest defection, as we’ve noted here, is...
One of the sentences young journalists used as a training exercise when they were learning to type was “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” It probably still is; you find discussions of it on websites around...
From Bloomberg In a hilarious bit of irony: California will allow PG&E Corp. to use diesel-powered mobile generators to keep some electricity flowing when the utility proactively cuts power to prevent live wires from...
From The Earth Institute at Columbia University. No, not a cult. No. no. no.~cr They are at home coring trees in the backcountry of Mongolia, flying airborne missions over polar ice caps, or drilling sediments while...
University of Notre Dame Perhaps “researchers” are only measuring virtue signaling~ctm Believing in climate change has no effect on whether or not coastal homeowners are protecting their homes from climate change-related...
Reader Mumbles McGuirk sent this in. I received an email from the American Meteorological Society announcing that their dues will now be based on the member’s income! But it will be voluntary, you choose what income...
From Away Resorts UK. How Many Air Miles Does Your Annual Holiday Add Up To? According to new research*, the carbon footprint from overseas tourism is three to four times higher than previous estimates. As of 2019 it accounts...
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