Guest essay by Ian McCandless This article concerns not the science of Climate Change directly; but rather the issue of science-ethics and protocols, which have been severely breached from Square One regarding it...
Date: 01/07/17 Harry Yorke, The Daily Telegraph Students are now so powerful that university professors are afraid to teach controversial subjects for fear of being sacked, an academic conference was told on Thursday Professor...
No smear psychological categorization mission is too offbeat for Lew. Now he’s on about “leakage”. Try to stifle the images that conjures up while thinking about your choice of preventative antiemetics....
Dr. Susan Crockford, Zoologist, of advises us of this: “We are now the polar bear” says Mann today (below) [a few weeks ago it was Patricia Romero Lankao of the federally financed National Center...
Whoo boy. This sounds like a familiar climate episode. Andrew Revkin tips me to this retraction of a paper that got screaming headlines worldwide, and says this along with the photo. (Warning don’t click “continue...
As if there could be any more ludicrous antics from this plonker, we now find that Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky pulled a bait and switch on ethical approvals for his psychological research papers at the University of Western Australia...
From the University of Warwick, and the ultra-short baseline department comes this study of ridiculous proportions. I don’t have the words to accurately describe this utter waste of time and money. I can just see future...
This post contains excerpts of a letter sent to staff at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, English: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) is one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology...
Guest post by W. Jackson Davis (who attended the seminar today as listed below) The contrarian discourse in the blogosphere–what are blogs good for anyway? Franziska Hollender, Institute for Social Studies of Science,...
Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. sends word of this via email. I’m a bit amused, but not surprised, as we know WUWT has been pushing the traditional media envelope, and we often tackle subjects they can’t or won’t....
Over on the thread The folly of blaming the Eastern U.S. heat wave on global warming there is a lively discussion going on between people that think the Eastern US heatwave hype by media and a few activist scientists is …...
Guest post by Douglas J. Keenan The 2012 UK Conference of Science Journalists was held on June 25th. The programme is available on the UKCSJ web site. The conference is intended for science journalists, as its name says;...
While we wait for Nick Stokes and David Appell to work up excuses for their embracing “climate scientists get death threats” fiasco, I thought I’d share this spinoff of this short passage I wrote yesterday:...
Steve McIntyre writes at Climate Audit: Bishop Hill links to a presentation by Myles Allen to a 2011 conference on Climategate, which like every other such handwringing introspection by climate “communicators”, notably...
This infographic from is interesting. It speaks to President Eisenhower’s second warning in his famous farewell speech. More below. This WUWT post: Ike’s second warning, hint: it is not...
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