climate allen, Tag

  • I have a computer model Mon, 13 Oct 14, 6:32pm
    I have a computer model, which I use for predicting the weather. The algorithm is fairly straightforward and goes something like this:
  • Breaking the frame Thu, 31 Jul 14, 6:40am
    Nic Lewis has published another paper on objective Bayesian approaches in climate sensitivity study. This looks at an old but very important paper by David Frame and Myles Allen, which implied the use of an objective approach,...
  • The House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee has released its report into the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report. This is fascinating stuff, if only to see all the intellectual contortions that have been adopted by...
  • BBC range free - Josh 282 Sun, 6 Jul 14, 3:08am
    Another BBC meeting, same old story. Cartoons by Josh
  • Allen a'tale Tue, 27 May 14, 10:32pm
    Some readers may have seen Der Spiegel's coverage of the Bengtsson affair a couple of days back. I didn't cover it, as I recall because it didn't seem to add much we didn't know already. However, one interesting wrinkle has...
  • AR5 inquiry followup Thu, 27 Mar 14, 8:27pm
    This is a guest post by Nic Lewis, describing the flurry of activity since he appeared before the Energy and Clmate Change Committee.
  • Myles out of line Thu, 13 Mar 14, 12:11am
    The reverberations from the Lewis/Crok report are still playing out in the blogosphere. In particular there are some interesting comments at Ed Hawkins' blog.
  • Myles' model mystery Fri, 7 Mar 14, 2:55am
    The Science Media Centre has put out a response to the GWPF report here. I was struck by Myles' Allen's contribution:
  • Lindzen broadcast Sat, 13 Jul 13, 5:39pm
    Last night Al Jazeera broadcast the Lindzen debate at the Oxford Union, which readers may remember took place a couple of months ago.
  • The Press Complaints Commission has thrown out a complaint about David Rose's Mail on Sunday article about climate sensitivity. This is the text of their ruling.
  • US reaction to Climategate Thu, 23 Aug 12, 7:15am
    Most readers will know from Watts Up With That? that Chris Horner has obtained a substantial quantity of emails from NOAA. Of particular interest are the ones relating to the immediate aftermath of Climategate - they can...
  • Climategate and HADCRUT Mon, 28 May 12, 7:48pm
    I'm sure most readers are aware of Steve McIntyre's post on the Myles Allen video. The comments thread is also very interesting. I was particularly taken with Lucia Liljegren's response to a comment made by Myles on the subject...
  • YouTube stills Mon, 28 May 12, 4:31pm
    Myles Allen and I have exchanged a couple of emails in the last few days. Myles accused me, amongst other things, of trawling through the YouTube video of him to find the least flattering image possible for the still that...
  • Caption competition Sun, 27 May 12, 6:00pm
    Myles Allen recently met rapper Will.I.Am in Oxford, the latter's arrival in a large helicopter being much noted by the press. Readers are cordially invited to suggest a caption for the photo below.
  • Myles Allen writes Sat, 26 May 12, 4:17pm
    Myles Allen has asked me to post this response to the thread in which we discussed his Communicate 2011 lecture.
  • Popular Related Tags: climate allen, climate sensitivity, climate sceptics, climate cru, climate surface, climate other, bbc, climate ipcc, media, climate hulme
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