This morning's story appears to be the hoary old "Arctic sea ice in freefall" one.
Reader John McLean emails with details of some surprising finds he has made in the Hadley Centre's sea-surface temperature record, HadSST. John is wondering whether others might like to take a look and confirm what he is...
Blogging is going to be light for a few days. In the meantime, Ben Webster (£) notes that corals are not nearly as threatened as previously thought.
Just before Christmas, Steve Milloy reported on his successful bid to get the email correspondence relating to an op-ed in the New York Times, ostensibly by Richard Spinrad of NOAA and Ian Boyd, the chief scientist at Defra...
The British Medical Journal recently held a Q&A on climate science with, among others, Brian Hoskins. The results are paywalled, but I was amused by the excerpt from the start of the session in response to a question...
Further to the last post, and with truly magnificent timing, I come across a new paper from John Hopkins University:
Made up of 33 low-lying coral atolls, Kiribati is shrinking as sea levels rise.
Claim made by Paul Gregoire, without citation, in Vice magazine
4.84, 4.66, 3.57, 0.48
Percentage increase in area per decade of islands in...
The Australian is reporting that the New South Wales government has suddenly come over all sensible on the subject of sea-level rise.
Some months back I mentioned a fascinating study about a coral reef that was thriving at pH levels far lower than predicted by the most morbid of global warming doomsters...
Yes folks, we may have reached peak climate drivel, with the news that we are being saved from impending climate disaster by the heroic actions of a hardy bunch of...sharks.
The famous..erm...Maldives dykes, keeping the sea at bayAccording to one of Stefan Lewandowsky's colleagues at the Cabot Institute, more than 80% of the Maldives lie below sea level.
There is a fascinating post at No Tricks Zone on sea level rise, focusing particularly in the difference between the (heavily adjusted, short-term) satellite record and the (relatively pristine, long-term) tide-gauge data...
The Daily Beast recounts James Hansen's latest prognostication of doom under the headline
In the wake of Karl et al's frantic tweaking of the global temperature data in order to get the pause to disappear, a new paper by Nieves et al, also in Science, comes up with a different theory to explain what's happening,...
In response to my comments on her appearance on BBC news, Daniela Schmidt has tweeted some thoughts. Recall that I highlighted some comments she had made in a Geology paper about calcifier exctinctions occurring tens of thousands...
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