convection, definition of


Physics. the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of the heated parts of a liquid or gas.

Often encountered by people the most when heating a home, as the heat rises to the ceiling. The opposite effect, cooling, can be observed near windows on a cold night, the windows cool the air and it drops. Therefore convection often causes drastic heat loss close to windows. If not dealt with (by the usage of curtains or double glazing usually) this can contribute greatly to heating and cooling costs, as in Summer you will get the opposite effect of heat easily entering the property from the outside via the glass & convection.

EcoWho Articles where 'convection' used:
  • What is convection and how it effects your heating costs
    Convection directly effects the cost of keeping your house warm in winter. This article explains what convention is and some practical tips on how to battle convection.
  • The importance of building orientation
    Building orientation to the Sun is important to reduce energy consumption, keeping comfortable and saving money. This article explains how best to get building orientation correct. Through a combination of benefits and opportunities the correct building orientation could save you thousands.
News & Blog articles where 'convection' used:
  • Science of Solar Ponds Challenges the Climate Crisis
    The science of solar ponds shows useful inexpensive natural heating, without the need for exotic materials. Furthermore, an understanding of the science of solar pond heating will profoundly change how you view climate crisis narratives.
  • Ocean Surface Temperature Limit-Part 2
    The surface temperature in the Persian Gulf has been observed to reach 307K in August but examining the atmospheric profile shows the mid-level moisture content is too low to create the LFC needed before deep convection can develop...
  • Cold Air Rises – How Wrong Are Our Global Climate Models?
    From Scitechdaily By University of California Davis May 6, 2020 The lightness of water vapor buffers climate warming in the tropics. Conventional knowledge has it that warm air rises while cold air sinks. But a study from the University of California,...
  • Pollution enhanced thunderstorms warm the planet?
    From the DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, something that doesn’t make much sense to me. As shown in the diagram above, thunderstorms transport heat from the lower troposphere upwards. The heat source at the base of the atmosphere (at the...

Related Tags: energy efficiency, insulation, glass, glass, windows

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