Definitions - w


Search the Web for Warmenist

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Warmer Porn

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Washads refer to use of the cleaning of surfaces in a specific way to leave behind an advert by the shape of what was cleaned away. Often this is achieved by the use of a metal stencil 'punched' through as to leave the required advert when used with a power water cleaner.

Its is essential a form of 'green graffiti' or 'reverse graffiti'. The legality of the undertaking really depends on the laws in force in particular country and government district(s) concerned. Some do not specifically prevent it, whilst others classify any form of advertising as requiring explicit prior permission of the owner of the surface being so advertised upon. 

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Waste Reduction

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Water Conservation

Search the Web for Water Conservation
Water Footprint

A water footprint is an indicator of the amount of fresh water used by an organization, individual or product.

Modeled on the concept of carbon foot-printing, water footprints are measured in terms of the volume of water that is consumed over a given period of time.

As with carbon footprints they can either be used narrowly to calculate the amount of water used by an individual company or building, or extended to cover the amount of water used through the entire supply chain of an organization or lifetime of a product.

Some environmental groups are campaigning for water footprints to be reported by all businesses.

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Water Table

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Water Tank

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Water-efficient Products

Those products that are in the upper 25% of water conservation for all similar products, or at least 10% more water-conserving than the minimum level that meets the Federal standards.

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Search the Web for Watershed

Watt-hour (WHr) is a measurement of power with respect to time. One watt-hour is equal to one watt being used for a period of one hour.

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Wave Power

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A survey that shows how much energy used in a home, which helps find ways to use less energy.

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Wet Deposits

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Wind Farm

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Wind Power

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Wind Turbine

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A windcatcher is a traditional Persian architectural device used for centuries to create natural ventilation and cooling in buildings.

See the wikipedia article for more detail.

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Search the Web for WMO
Woke Washing

Woke washing is the act of looking to agree with the woke movement without actually being committed to it. Akin to green washing but more around social issues of race and entitlement.

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Wood Energy

Search the Web for Wood Energy

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