climate jones, Tag

  • The long tales Sat, 9 Feb 13, 1:00am
    The University of East Anglia is having a conference on writing and climate change. It features well known climate writers Giles Foden, Mike Hulme and, erm, Phil Jones (click for full size)
  • Fighting mad Sat, 25 Aug 12, 7:29pm
    Another interesting set of emails from the University of Arizona release. These ones date back to 2001, eight or nine months after the publication of the Third Assessment Report. The thread starts on 7 September, just days...
  • Phil Jones in the Mirror Sun, 5 Feb 12, 7:40pm
    Last summer, I was at a debate at the Edinburgh book festival in which one of the participants, an environmentalist, lectured everyone about the perils of global warming and then in almost the same breath started telling...
  • Thanks to reader William for pointing out Climategate 2 email 4578. The context seems to be a discussion of how to present temperature trends, and it is worth reading the full email thread. But Jones' contribution to the...
  • A major FOI victory Mon, 23 Jan 12, 8:28pm
    Readers may remember the Information Commissioner's ruling last year that UEA had to release the CRUTEM data sent by Phil Jones to Peter Webster at Georgia Tech...
  • Science and the Leveson inquiry Thu, 12 Jan 12, 11:04pm
    Overseas readers may or may not be aware of the Leveson inquiry into media ethics which is currently gripping the metropolitan elite in the UK. One submission of evidence to the inquiry is of interest - from the Science Media...
  • A letter from the future Thu, 5 Jan 12, 1:54am
    This was provided to me by Phillip Bratby. Letter from Bob Ward Junior (chief scientific advisor to the Department for Climate Change and Energy (DCCE)) to the Secretary of State for Climate Change and Energy, Ed Miliband...
  • New working practices Tue, 20 Dec 11, 7:28am
    David Holland's post on email 2526 has deservedly got a lot of attention, enabling sense to be made of many of the statements put forward by people as diverse as Jones, Acton and Russell...
  • The Palutikoff email Sun, 18 Dec 11, 9:29am
    This is a guest post by David Holland. Last time I googled 2526.txt to see if this email had been commented upon I did not find any. This is as near the smoking gun proof as we will get, that Professor Phil Jones’...
  • Fox picks up the Climategate baton Sat, 17 Dec 11, 4:28am
    Fox News has run a Climategate story, suggesting there's still quite a lot of mileage in the new disclosures. The emails of interest are the ones in which Phil Jones suggests that the US Department of Energy has told him...
  • The Jones rebuttal Fri, 25 Nov 11, 1:06am
    Phil Jones has been "putting the emails in context". This one made me laugh. (Emphasis mine)
  • New Scientist on significance Wed, 15 Jun 11, 1:52am
    An article in New Scientist picks up on the vexed question of Phil JOnes' recent prognostications of significance in the temperature records. The author, Andy Coghlan links to the story here:
  • Will Black react? Sun, 12 Jun 11, 5:22pm
    This is all getting rather interesting. Some very numerate people have been looking at Phil Jones' claim about statistical significance in the temperature records and the consensus seems to be that Jones has got it wrong.
  • Phil Jones has announced that post-1995 warming is now "significant", with new data changing the picture he had previously reported to Roger Harrabin. The news comes via Richard Black, in one of those "we don't want anyone...
  • CRU book group Tue, 10 May 11, 5:00pm
    Members of the CRU book group couldn't wait to see what Phil Jones was going to suggest as the title for next month...
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