deben, Tag

  • "Peak heat", peak nonsense Tue, 20 Oct 15, 8:00pm
    Belatedly, a link from 6 October to John Gummer haranguing the Australians on their global warming policies, if you can bring yourself to watch and listen to it...
  • D is for diesel Mon, 27 Jul 15, 6:35pm
    In my Twitter feed yesterday came something entirely without precedent: a tweet from Lord Deben. This was something of a shock, as the noble lord has hitherto made it a matter of policy never to address me directly, leaving...
  • According to the Committee on Climate Change's recent report, soils in the south-west of England are facing a problem:
  • Muddy, or waters? Thu, 16 Jul 15, 8:11pm
    As noted yesterday, Lord Deben is concerned about the loss of peat soils in East Anglia. According to his CCC report:
  • Deben diggin' in the dirt Wed, 15 Jul 15, 7:34pm
    Lord Deben has been speaking at a food industry conference, still exhibiting the pronounced eccentricity we have noted in recent months:
  • The two Ds and their killer plan Wed, 1 Jul 15, 5:50pm
    Many of the metropolitan chatterati are getting their knickers in a twist this morning over the expansion of London airport capacity. Deep-green Tory MP Zac Goldsmith is threatening to resign his seat in protest over the...
  • The madness of Lord Deben Tue, 30 Jun 15, 6:17pm
    Lord Deben was on the Today programme promoting the Committee on Climate Change's 2015 progress report, which I shall read at my leisure. However Lord D's performance was amazing: he sounds more and more like Paul Ehrlich...
  • What a difference a week makes Wed, 24 Jun 15, 6:55pm
    Deniers continue to say science is disputed when it isn't and suggest the Pope has been misled when he hasn't been. Lord Deben, 17 June 2015 When people know they've lost the argument they get desperate & rude. Lord...
  • Deben's new witchhunt Wed, 22 Apr 15, 6:01pm
    Readers may be aware that Bjorn Lomborg has been lucky enough to win a significant tranche of funding for his think tank from the Australian government, a story that was widely reported at the end of last week.
  • Lord Deben has been a busy boy again in recent days, making the keynote speech at a conference about waste management in the food industry.
  • Experts (it says here) at the University of Leeds have declared that the UK is not really cutting its carbon emissions; it is merely exporting them to China.
  • Compare and contrast Tue, 3 Feb 15, 1:01am
    Be warned, this is very, very ugly stuff, and there are several messages in there that seem to me to be criminal. Colour me disgusted Yours truly in the aftermath of death threats to Phil Jones Now that lukewarmers have...
  • Hitchens on freedom of speech Mon, 12 Jan 15, 11:01pm
    A propos of my recent flurry of posts on freedom of speech, here is Christopher Hitchens on the subject. Some lessons in there for Lord Deben and Bob Ward I would say.
  • The appointment of Lord Deben as the government's chief adviser on climate change matters was always something of a nonsense. As somebody who knows little or nothing of science, let alone climatology, his appointment was...
  • Rumor has it that the Earl of Deben, the most notorious rake in London and in need of an heir, has set aside his penchant for married mistresses and turned his skilled hand to seducing innocents!But if Lord Deben expects...
  • Popular Related Tags: deben, climate parliament, greens, decc, matt ridley, climate sceptics, energy other, energy targets, josh, quotes
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